Legal / Imprint

Kuraray Europe GmbH

MOWITAL® - Technical Resin
Philipp-Reis-Straße 4
D-65795 Hattersheim
phone: +49-69-305-85300


Trade register-Nr.: HRB 78119
Court jurisdiction: Frankfurt am Main
VAT-ID: DE 121301301

Executive Management Kuraray Europe GmbH:
Dr. Matthias Gutweiler (Head), Jun Inoue, Keiji Taga

Responsible for textual content MOWITAL® website:
Jörg Bruss

© Copyright, Kuraray Europe GmbH, Germany    

Technical realisation and operation of the website by:

dkd Internet Service GmbH
Kaiserstraße 73
D-60329 Frankfurt/

Main<br />

phone: +49-69-247-52-18-0

ur contact to dkd Internet Service GmbH">

Licensed photos and photo credits:

The photos used on this website are subject to the copyright rules of, and Photo editing by

  1. Contents
    The information given on this website about Kuraray Europe GmbH, its affiliates or third parties has been collected with greatest care. This website is constantly being altered and supplemented in order to expand on and update the offered information.
    No guarantee or warranty is given for the completeness, accuracy and topicality of the information given on this website. Kuraray Europe GmbH cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions or possible obsolescence.
    Any invitation or offer which may be accessible on this website is subject to confirmation and without obligation.
    Kuraray Europe GmbH explicitly reserves the right to alter, amend or delete information given this website or parts thereof or to finally or temporarily withdraw the entire website without any separate announcement.
  2. Disclaimer
    The information provided herein corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or additives or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since Kuraray cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions, Kuraray make no warranties and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as a license to operate under a recommendation to infringe any patent rights.
  3. Warranty and Damages
    Kuraray Europe GmbH shall only be liable according to the legal provisions for damages caused in the case of wilfulness and gross negligence. In the case the user is a merchant Kuraray Europe GmbH liability shall be limited to those damages and such volume reasonably foreseeable. This limitation of liability and responsibility does not apply if Kuraray Europe GmbH breaches a material contractual obligation or a body of Kuraray Europe GmbH acts wilfully. In all other cases, Kuraray Europe GmbH liability, including liability in tort, does not apply. Kuraray Europe GmbH statutory liability under the product liability act and liability for express quality guarantees, if any, shall not be affected hereby. This does also not apply in case of any personal injuries.
  4. Referrals
    All referrals (i.e. Links) on this web site to non-Kuraray Europe GmbH web sites are merely offered as a service for your convenience and enjoyment. The contents of such web sites cannot be controlled or influenced by Kuraray Europe GmbH.
    Kuraray Europe GmbH does not endorse or support such sites. Further, Kuraray Europe GmbH shall not be responsible or liable, in any way whatsoever, for the accessibility and contents of such web sites or the consequences of your use thereof. Kuraray Europe GmbH is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from these pages. Connecting to these web sites by using a link is done at own risk. Only the author of the respective web site might be liable for illegal, wrong or incomplete content and all damages occurring by the use of information presented there.
  5. Copyright
    This website and its contents are protected by copyright. This includes, without limitation, diagrams, sounds, videos or texts. Any use or exploitation - in whole or in part - including copying, translation and transfer and use in other electronic media is prohibited without prior agreement of Kuraray Europe GmbH or its respective owner.
  6. Trademarks
    Unless stated to the contrary, all (registered) trademarks, service marks, logos and company names mentioned on this website are owned by Kuraray Co., Ltd. or its affiliates and are protected under trademark law and unfair competition law. Nothing on this website should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right in or to the Trademarks without the express written permission of its owner. The use and exploitation of such (registered) trademarks, service marks, logos and company names without explicit consent of its owner is prohibited.
  7. Data security
    If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily. Your personal data sent to Kuraray Europe GmbH are treated as confidential in accordance with the national data protection regulations currently in force.
  8. Choice of law and validity
    The use of this website and all information contained therein are subject to the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the Convention of the United Nations on the International Sale of Goods. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes, differences or claims arising out of correlating to these Terms or the use of this website and the information therein shall be Hattersheim, Germany. Should any clause of this agreement be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses or of the remaining part of the clause concerned.
